As with many of the caterers in North Oxfordshire, this is the busiest time of year. We have a wealth of tantalising dishes on for the festive season, some traditional, classic Christmas dishes and others where we can try new ideas each year. If you are looking for a delicious winter recipe, here’s two of our firm favourites.
When planning your recipes for the Christmas season it’s worth you also thinking about serving some dishes that are a departure from the traditional festive dishes, but still of the quality, presentation and flavour needed for it to appear on the best tables, and beyond!
Our delicious winter recipe of Thanks giving Soup for a starter the a main course Slow-Cooker Beer-Braised Brisket fit the bill perfectly. Both include a beautiful array of flavours and with a light, refreshing taste, they will certainly fit the bill when it comes to dinner parties, or a cosy winter night around the dining table at your home.
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